The gnarled trees, earth and abanoned structures have been witnesses to dangerous accidents and violent deaths in the past.
1. @ Nagdah where a methane blast killed 50 labourers
2. The memorial at Nagdah
3. Abandoned machines lie like heritage pieces at the site for colony residents who regret mines shutting down, the only viable livelihood left in these parts
A total of 7649 injured and 1656 deaths recorded by the Coal Mine Workers Union in ECL, New Kenda, BCCL, Gajlitaand, BCCL, Baghdih, BCCL, Bhatdih, Nagda, CCL, Central Sauda abd ECL, Shyamsundarpur and WCL areas. Reasons have been subsidence, roof fall, side fall,haulage rope accidents, methane gas blasts, water leakage and flooding in the mines.
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